Privacy Policy

We, at Wevy and other group companies, recognize the importance of privacy and the protection of personal data and want you to be familiar with how we collect, store and handle your data.

Wevy (“Company”, “we”, “us”, “us” or “our”) is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizes your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”) you may share with us.

The purpose of our Privacy Policy is to demonstrate our commitment to the security and privacy of information collected through user registration on this website, Webinar platform, contracted services and all digital media used by Wevy to communicate with its customers and partners.

The processing of personal data carried out is subject to Brazilian law, in particular to Law no. 13. 709/2018 (“LGPD”) and observes the following principles: (a) limitation of the use of personal data to what is extremely necessary to fulfill business purposes; (b) access to personal data only by indispensable persons and deletion of data when no longer necessary; (c) additional care in the processing of sensitive personal data; (d) transparency with customers, partners and employees; (e) security of personal data; and (f) establishment of a personal data processing contract with third parties.

Basic concepts

To facilitate your understanding, here are some useful definitions for your interpretation:

Legal Basis: These are the legal hypotheses that authorize us to Process Personal Data: it may be your consent, the need to fulfill a contract we have with you or the fulfillment of a legal obligation, for example.

Consent: Authorizes the Processing of Personal Data on the basis of the free, informed and unequivocal manifestation of the Data Subject’s consent to the Processing of his Personal Data for a specific purpose, informed by us.

Cookies: These are small files we transfer to your browser or device (such as cell phone or tablet) that allow us to recognize your browser or device, and to know how and when pages and Platforms are visited, as well as how many people access the Platforms. They can be useful to us to, for example, make the Platforms adapt to your screen, better understand your preferences and offer you more efficient Products, Businesses and Experiences.

Personal Data: Data relating to a natural person that makes it possible to identify or identify him or her.

Examples of Personal Data that allow identification are: Name, CPF, DNI, address, cell phone number, email address, etc.

Sensitive data: Any information relating to racial or ethnic origin, religious convictions, political opinions, membership of a trade union or a religious, philosophical or political organization, data relating to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

Data Protection Officer: This is our Data Protection Officer, who acts as a channel of communication between Wevy, Data Subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) when it comes to protecting your Personal Data.

Personal Data is yours and Brazilian law guarantees that you have a number of rights related to it. We are committed to enforcing these rights and, in this section, we will explain how you can exercise them with Wevy. Brazilian legislation guarantees you the following rights:

Confirmation and access

Allows you to check whether WEVY processes personal data about you and, if so, to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you.


Allows you to request correction of your incomplete, inaccurate or outdated Personal Data.

Anonymization, blocking or deletion

You may ask us to: (a) anonymize your Data, so that it can no longer be related to you and therefore no longer be Personal Data; (b) block your Data, temporarily suspending the possibility of processing it; and (c) delete your Data, in which case we will delete all your Data without the possibility of reversal, except as provided by law.


You have the right to request, upon express request, that Wevy provide you, or a third party of your choice, with your Personal Data in a structured and interoperable format, for transfer to another provider, provided that it does not infringe the intellectual property or trade secrets of the company. Similarly, you may ask other companies to send Wevy your Personal Data to facilitate the procurement of our Products and services, for example.

Disclosure Information

You have the right to know which public and private organizations Wevy shares your data with. If you have any questions or would like more details, you have the right to ask us for this information.

Information about the possibility of not giving your consente

It allows you to have clear and complete information about the possibility and consequences of not giving your consent. Your consent, where required, must be free and informed. Therefore, whenever we ask for your consent, you are free to withhold it – although in such cases we may have to limit our Products and services.

Withdrawal of consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent in relation to the Processing activities that are based on this Legal Basis. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any Processing previously carried out. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to offer you certain products.