Lobo de Rizzo invests in cloud computing and cybersecurity with Wevy

Since 2017, Lobo de Rizzo has been using Wevy solutions to manage its data

According to an Oxford University study published in 2021, 66 per cent of law firms already store their data in the cloud. The report also suggests that the adoption of new technologies, such as cloud computing, is directly linked to innovation. Digital Transformation has definitely arrived in law.

The Lobo de Rizzo – one of the most recognised full-service law firms in the country, with a legal team of over 200 professionals and international operations – is also part of the statistics: since 2017, the company’s data has travelled in the Wevy cloud, a specialist in cloud services, cybersecurity and managed IT services.

Thiago Padovani, Information Technology Manager at Lobo de Rizzo, says that the challenge of modernising the firm’s operations became clear that year. “Our initial goal was to increase the availability indicators of the technological structure, hence the migration of data storage to the cloud,” he explains.

In addition to adopting the virtual environment offered by Wevy, we hired a dedicated field team and the activation of modern cybersecurity and data security resources – one of the firm’s main IT concerns – which has enabled significant operational gains, such as even more efficient SLAs (Service Level Agreements) that improve the user experience and support the firm’s growth strategy over the coming years.

“There was an improvement in the management of the structure through the implementation of an ITSM (IT Service Management) solution, with a focus on actions guided by analytical data and more consistent actions in cyber security and data protection,” Padovani concludes.

The new technological phase for law firms

By modernising the infrastructure, maximising performance and protecting the operation, Lobo de Rizzo has anticipated the demands of a segment that, in recent years, has had to make a leap in technological maturity.

If, on the one hand, the intense digitisation of processes requires the high availability of data, on the other, the advance of regulations – from Compliance to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), to name but a few examples – suggests a concern with flows and tools capable of shielding the information that travels between legal systems, both inside and outside the office.

A benchmark in cloud solutions in Latin America and a specialist in cloud computing, cybersecurity and Managed Service Provider (MSP), Wevy has built a consistent offer, bringing together resources that are essential to the maturity of the operation, for law firms – a methodology that has already been validated by major players in the segment.

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