Brazil's 1st multinational cloud computing company

Technology, business and people at their best

Wevy is the strategic technology partner of thousands of companies in Latin America. Explore advanced solutions in Cloud, Cybersecurity, Data, Artificial Intelligence and Managed IT Services to also achieve your best version.

Who already trusts Wevy

Upgrade to the most competitive version
of your business:

discover Wevy's advanced solutions

Run® Platform

Unlock the best version of your system. A complete solution for modernizing legacy systems.


Add intelligent layers of security. Build an efficient line of defense and shield your operation from end to end.

Data & AI

Turn corporate data into competitive insights. Centralize, organize and exploit your information strategically.

MSP Cloud Managed Services

Ensure continuous monitoring and specialized support. Gain time and availability to take care of your business strategy.

Wevy Cloud Infrastructure (WCI)

Accelerate innovation in an accessible and secure way. Use public cloud services to keep growing.

IT service management

Maintain a well-adjusted, mature and efficient IT structure. Increase the potential of your operation with IT service management.

The world is cloud.
We connect you to it.

SaaS software

Scalable, high-performance environment

Centralized and organized data

Strategic information ready for use

Business Insights and AI projects

Cyber defense line

Success stories

See what big companies have to say about Wevy


Success stories

See what big companies have to say about Wevy

The best version of Wevy

With more than a decade in the market, Wevy is the first Brazilian cloud computing multinational to specialize in business.
We have served thousands of clients with products and services that reflect our non-negotiable commitment to innovation.

Active users on our platforms
+ 0 thousand
Technology partners
+ 0
Countries served in Latin America
+ 0
Active clients
+ 0 thousand

⚠️ Exclusive to software developers

Modernize your offer and gain competitiveness

Wevy is a partner for software developers who want to offer the SaaS model without having to rewrite their code.

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Technology, business and people at their best

Market trends evolve fast

Subscribe to our newsletter now and reach your best version with the right knowledge to grow

Conheça o Run

Dados & IA

Ganhe confiança e agilidade para explorar o máximo potencial das ferramentas contratadas e viabilize projetos disruptivos com mais tranquilidade.​

Assista também:


Proteja a sua operação com soluções avançadas de segurança, garantindo conformidade, proteção de dados e resiliência cibernética.

Assista também:

Wevy Cloud Infraestruture® (WCI)

Torne seus recursos mais acessíveis, acelere a inovação e ganhe competitividade com uma infraestrutura ajustada, produtiva e personalizável.

Assista também:

Plataforma Run

Modernize a sua oferta de software e acelere a integração do seu sistema legado com tecnologias inovadoras para a sua transformação SaaS.

Assista também:

MSP Serviços Gerenciados em Cloud

Ganhe confiança e agilidade para explorar o máximo potencial das ferramentas contratadas e viabilize projetos disruptivos com mais tranquilidade.

Assista também:

Gerenciamento de Serviços TI

Maximize a eficiência da operação e conte com uma estrutura de T.I inteligente, madura e otimizada para sustentar entregas de alta performance.

Assista também: